Human Resources Committee
The HR Committee is made up of HR Professionals from member hotels who meet monthly for education, networking & community service
The HR Committee is an excellent resource for networking, continuing education and community service for member hotels' Human Resource professionals. Members of the committee put on several events a year for hotel employees and the community.
CMS Partnership
The HR Committee has partnered with the Charlotte Mecklenburg School District to inform students on the career possibilities within the hotel industry through class room presentations, field trips hosted at member hotels and a newly launched apprenticeship program with CTE Culinary Pathway students.
Hospitality Olympics
The Hospitality Subcommittee, as part of the HR Committee, organizes hotels to participate in the Hospitality Olympics. For more information on this event, click here.
Job Fairs
CAHA partners has partnered with both the City of Charlotte and CMS’s CTE program to offer members various job fairs.
Community Service
The HR Committee works to offer members monthly community service opportunities, either volunteering as a collective or coming together to participate in various drives.